A Non-Profit SOlely For YouTh

[We Help Youth] realize their worth and potential through engaging experiences.

Our Mission

Life WHOLEHEARTED is a non-profit organization whose mission is to integrate the heart, mind, and body of youth within the community.

When adolescents are empowered, the world is empowered.


*We could use a little help getting more!

 get to know us 

The Best Team

Non-Profit Director

Tyler Patrick, LMFT

Operations & Marketing

Jess Ward

Creative Director

Chase Andrew Jones

Every tax-deductible dollar you donate accelerates and expands our ability to reach more adolescents and provide them tools for emotional resilience and rooted connection. Every child should have the equal opportunity to learn and practice emotional resiliency in a safe environment.

Your support helps ensure that more adolescents develop healthy identities, manage emotions, feel empathy for others, maintain supportive relationships with friends or family members as well as make responsible decisions.

Donations primarily fund the materials, location availability, therapy horses, educators, and continual training.

We have a committed team driven to implement our custom program in the spring of 2023.

Why Donate?

The Big Picture.

Our Goal

We are committed to growing into a year-round program. Our goal is to have 90 adolescents finish our program by the end of 2023. Every year we hope to grow in number and in educators. As this program develops, we will be working with USU as a source of practicum opportunities for undergraduates. We understand growth takes time and resources. We are just a small team working to make big changes. We believe social emotional learning is pivotal in the development of our youth.

This is

The Research

"Therefore, emotional intelligence that teenagers possess can develop their social relationships, reduce their stress and frustration, increase their understanding of other people’s emotions, and prevent or reduce the behavior of delinquency..." (Z.A Nusaibah Nur Furqani, 2019)

In other words, emotionally intelligent teenagers and young adults are able to develop and maintain good social relationships with others, manage negative emotions like fear, anger or sadness, improve personal and academic performance, reduce stress or frustration due to problems they experience or challenges they encountered, and be able to understand other people’s emotions effectively. Conversely, teenagers and young adults with low emotional intelligence tend to display negative behavior and exacerbate mental health or depression. In conclusion, the benefits of emotional intelligence in adolescent development can never be over-emphasized and researcher have backed this up again and again. (Sesan Kareem, 2020)

You're Donations are tax-deductible.

Life WHOLEHEARTED is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Contributions to Life WHOLEHEARTED are tax-deductible, to the extent permitted by law.
Life WHOLEHEARTED’s tax identification number is 88-2843031.

Willing to Donate?

Help Us Help our youth.